Remote Site Description

KT1I Memorial Remote Radio Station

Description of the remote hardware and software

Remote equipment rack at W1EJK’s location

Plaque made by AA1SE, thanks Ray!

This remote is a combined effort of N1MGO, KT1I , WB8PKK, W1EJK and many others! Thanks!!

This remote is located in Gardner, MA (Worcester County) GRID FN42an

The remote site uses several pieces of software

The main program is “RCForb server”. This provides the user-interface to the radio, and other hardware.

WriteLog remote is used when doing a contest, including the RC-1101 virtual front panel, and RCForb is not running when doing a contest.

We also use “KAT500 Remote” by Elecraft to provide access and control of the KAT500 autotuner  (also used on  the client  side).

We use an openvpn server to  provide access  to software like  KAT500remote.

For contesting use  we use WriteLog in remote mode bypassing RCForb  server.

For improved   audio  when doing soundcard modes  like PSK31 or FT8 we run RemAud,  by DF3CB (also used on the client  side).

The hardware at the remote site:

The radio is  an Elecraft K4D

The Amp/Tuner  combination is  an  Elecraft  KPA500  and KAT500

Automatic antenna  switching is  done with  a combination  of a FreqEZ  band decoder (by K8UT)  and  Ameritron RCS-10 antenna switch.


160Mtr, 12Mtr, 10Mtr, 6Mtr  all use the160Mtr OCF (OffCenterFed) Dipole.

80/75Mtr: Fan Dipole, one cut for the Low  end of the band, one  cut for  the high  end.

40/30 Mtr: Fan Dipole

20 Mtr: Fan Dipole

15 Mtr: Dipole (cut for low end for CW/digital modes,  will work with tuner for High end, Not installed yet)

The dipoles  are all made with the help of WB8PKK (thanks!)  and hung from   trees  about 30 to 60  AGL. They  are  all about  400-450ft in  the woods   from the  radio site.

I had a lot of help from the Mohawk and MARA ham club members to do the work in the woods. This involved tree trimming, along with running coax and putting the antennas up over the trees.

Thanks! Gordon – N1MGO